Short stories about Morocco
On Being A Fitness Instructor I first met the moudira of my Nedi Neswi in November at our final Peace Corps training before they set us...
On Being A Fitness Instructor I first met the moudira of my Nedi Neswi in November at our final Peace Corps training before they set us...
When I think back to being in the US, I often think about Mexican food, Indian food, sushi, and ingredients that I might use to try and...
Kuli is a command in Darija. It literally means "eat!" If you're directing the command to a woman, you say kuli. That's what my host mom...
Well, we have moved to our final site in L'Mghrib. We left from Meknes on the 27th at 6:30 am and arrived in our city in south-central...
This is our final week of Community Based Training (CBT) - where all 110 of our staj-mates got spread out in small training groups around...
This might be a boring blog post, but I wanted to write about what the day-to-day looks like in a Moroccan home – more specifically, our...
First, I want to explain the title of this post - shwiya b' shwiya is a Darija phrase that means "little by little" and has become the...
Well, we're on a bus to my CBT (community based training) site and we've just finished our 9 days of orientation in Morocco. We've been...
For Peace Corps, you’re allowed four bags: two suitcases weighing up to 50 lbs each, a carry on, and a personal item. Packing was one of...
In February of 2019, I took a day off of school for our interview for the Peace Corps. When I told students I was away for an "interview"...
“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are...
Lots of people have been asking us questions about the Peace Corps and what our service will entail. Truth be told, there's a ton of info...
What the application process entails, and a timeline of how it went for us. Applying to be a Peace Corps Volunteer The application...
All the countries we've traveled to together! 20 sounds like a lot, but our map looks so empty. "Jobs fill your pockets. Adventure fills...